Monday 24 August 2015

Solace for All

When the night descends,
Descends over the luminous city.
The city plunges deep,
Deep into the dungeons of slumber.
Of slumber which hides,
Hides beneath the dismal eyes.
Eyes which have lost their luster, seeking,
Seeking that rebellious solace,
Solace which is not meant for them.
Of luster lost,
Lost to the yearning of the beloved.
Beloved who’ll never reciprocate.
Lost to the longing for a morsel.
Lost from the eyes of the urchin
Who lives on the corner of the street.
The night has engulfed every soul,
Every soul into its tender arms.
Arms which are neither biased nor weary.
Arms which will comfort both the lover
And the urchin lying near the street.


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